Monday, January 17, 2011

One Pic

Thank you to everyone that continues to stop by, write notes, cook dinners, has been great this past week to see so many people, including my Auntie Ine and cousin Manuel (and his family) from California.

Jodi took a great picture of Cash today which sums up his favorite food...

Cash is still steady and while very tired, still manages to talk, eat, and watch the iPad...we thank God for each additional day with Cash.

Thank you for your prayers!


  1. oh I love this darling picture of his hands in the candy! contined prayers for Cash and your whole family!

  2. Still believing and praying for a miracle and thank God for M&Ms. What a great picture -- colors of the rainbow. Such a sweet little boy and a miraculous message of strength. Love you guys much. Michael, Kat and RoxAnn --

  3. Thank you for your faithful lives in the midst of such pain and uncertainty. We pray every day for your family and we are so grateful for the promise that 'God is near to the broken hearted'. We know this is your experience.

  4. Jack & Wendi
    I have been following Cash's progress on your blog and sharing it with my family this past year. It has taken me a few days to post since the news last week, but only because my heart is broken. You and Wendi are amazing! The strength and faith that you both share is inspirational. We continue to keep your family in our prayers, but I wanted to let you know that I was here, just lurking in the background. Marcie

  5. Jack Wendy and Cash...Not a single day goes by that I don't think of you Cash and that irresistible smile. You are an amazing testament of courage, faith love, and above all family. You are also all a real inspiration to both young and old and to friends, family and those of us (like me) who you have chosen to share this journey with through your blog. May God continue to comfort all of you....with love and prayers, Steve Pasquan

  6. Thinking of you guys tonight! Hugs to your darling M&M lover! xoxoxo
