Friday, October 15, 2010

Pumpin Patch Fun

This morning I left for work at 6:45 as Wendi and the boys were still waking up...By 8:00 she called me and said they were on their way to Lynden to go to the pumpkin patch with her mom, Laura, Jen and the kids.  I'll let the pictures tell the story...

Cash continues to amaze us - His strength and resilience is truly something that only God could give him.  We are 5 days into the oral chemo's and it doesn't seem to phase him (giving the medicines that is)...Oh and he knows how to use the iPad all by himself now...(thanks Jack Jr for teaching him...:-))

We are in for a quiet weekend - Jack Jr. went with Mike and Julie D (& family) to Twisp on a hunting trip.  It is right up Jack's alley - on the drive over they saw a bear and a deer - he is going to come back with tons of stories...:-)

Please continue to pray for healing and strength for Cash - We are thankful each day and I can't tell you how many times a day our eyes water up with joy in seeing him play, laugh, and interact with his brothers.


  1. I'm mush everytime I read your blog.....thanks for keeping me 'in touch'. I always love your story telling.

  2. So good to see Cash out having fun and feeling good! Definately God at work. We continue to pray for complete healing for Cash and strength for you all.
    The Brink's

  3. I was recently introduced to your beautiful boy and his story. I just want you to know that I think of him everyday. I find myself praying in the middle of a busy day for Cash, not sure why but I just know to pause and pray. His smile and spirit are so incredible. Thank you for sharing your journey. And may you know that God is quickening people you don't even know to hold this little one up in prayer. Much, much love, Me Ra

  4. We continue to uphold you in our prayers. The pictures do say a thousand words of HOPE, LOVE and ENCOURAGEMENT! Love you all...
    Leanne, Jim, Jack and Sam

  5. It was so fun running into you guys this weekend. I'm always encouraged by your strength and resilient faith.
    Blessings this week. We'll be praying.
